"Oh the weather outside is weather"

Forecast calls for running to your local bodega for milk, bread, and Triscuits

SNOW DAY! Which basically means stay inside and binge watch the last few seasons of 30 Rock because I had no idea it wasn't even on TV anymore. Also here are my top favorite quotes from 30 Rock that I only just discovered:

LIZ: "Every pair you buy, they give a pair to a child who was forced to work in the factory that makes these shoes.
-Liz Lemon
PETE: "Why couldn't she have died when that rabid dog bit her?"
JENNA: "Oh it wasn't rabid, I just said that so they'd have to put it down and then I'd be the star of that dog food commercial."

LIZ: "Why are you wearing a tux?"
JACK: "It’s after six. What am I, a farmer?"

I truly love when it Snowmageddonpocalypses and the whole city shuts down. My office was closed today and I (gestures finger quotes in the air) "worked from home."